Set up
An individual / entrepreneur
also needs to decide the location where his business would be set up. It
is essential to determine the need for basic infrastructural facilities
for commencement of operations. Setting up an infrastructure includes
the following:
- Purchase of land for building construction
- Acquiring raw materials required
- Sourcing the technology, workforce, machinery etc
- Getting basic water, electricity and other connections
The individual must also get information about the incentives and
concessions being offered by the state government. These include land
and building tax concessions, provision of land at cheaper or
concessional rates, power subsidy, transport subsidy, etc.
After the location for setting up the business is finalized, the
manufacturer can approach concerned state / local authorities including
Public Works Department, Municipality, etc for acquiring land and
availing other facilities
It is must for the individual to get the plan or layout of his factory
approved from the concerned authorities. This is mandatory for all
companies whether small, medium or large sized. The structure can then
be raised according to the approved plan or layout.
On commencement of the building construction, the person in concern can
take the help of an architect to make the building as per the plan.
Based on the report of the architect regarding the cost of construction,
an entrepreneur can also apply for loan from different public and
private sector banks.
A manufacturer can start his production facility after meeting all the
necessary requirements.