Bank Reconciliation
A bank reconciliation
statement is a statement prepared by organizations to reconcile the
balance of cash at bank in a company's own records with the bank
statement on a particular date.
This statement is the most common tool used by organizations for
reconciling the balance as per books of company with the bank statement
and is made at the end of every month.
The main objective of
reconciliation is to ascertain if the discrepancy is due to error rather
than timing.
The difference between the two records on a given date may arise
because of the following:
- Cheques drawn but not yet presented to the bank.
- Cheques received but not yet deposited in the bank.
- Interest credited and not recorded in the organization's books.
- Bank charges debited but not recorded in the organization's
Bank Reconciliation Statement process is being outsourced to
professional accounting firms by large organizations. This helps them
have an accurate view and also ensure that the company's bookkeeping is
good. Accounting firms make monthly reconciliation statements for
clients and help them determine any discrepancy.
- Faster processing
- Requirement of less manpower
- Easy identification of errors