Accounting Service
Financial accounting, also
known as financial accountancy is a type of accountancy dealing with the
preparation and analysis of financial statements for major stakeholders
of a company, including stockholders, suppliers, creditors, banks,
government agencies, owners, etc.
Financial reports are made by qualified chartered accountants after
carefully studying the financial statements of a company. These reports
are made, based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles of a
respective country.
Why is it Required ?
Financial accounting is important for reducing the principal-agent
problem by measuring and analyzing the company's financial performance
and reporting it to the interested parties.
This service is useful for preparing financial information for
stakeholders / people who are not the part of the daily operation and
management team. This branch of accountancy is governed by international
and local accounting standards.
It involves collecting, recording and extracting financial information
of a company, summarizing it in the form of a profit and loss account,
cash flow statement and a balance sheet. Stakeholders can know the
financial standing or the soundness of a company merely by going through
these financial statements.
The service also includes online consultancy for clients and
implementation of proper accounting systems.